99% of TripEvents users
love how easy it is.
Create a meeting event in minutes.
Everything is on one website.
Invited guests don’t have to navigate to another site for
to share trip plans & personal meetings. -
Give travel incentives to customers & employees.
Gift of travel without the hassle .
Determine the gift limit & travel options, then
send travel award to recipients.I was under my travel
budget by 20% last year and
my company rewarded me
with two free plane tickets. -
Add self-booking to conferences.
Registration & booking at the same time.
Save time & money by integrating travel booking with your
conference, using only one vendor, with one fee.97% of TripEvents users love
saving money with one fee. -
Allow exhibition attendees to share plans.
Attendees create personal meetings.
Setup destination, registration, agenda, & allow attendees
to share trip plans & personal meetings.I was able to schedule a
meeting with my coworkers
to review strategy prior to
the exhibition.